Gratitude Inspires Generosity



November 25, 2020



“Gratitude is like breathing in — letting ourselves be touched by the goodness in others and in our world. Generosity is like breathing out — sensing our mutual belonging and offering our care.”



Dear Friends of Awaken Pittsburgh,

All across our country this week, people will pause to take time and touch in to their gratitude — breathing in. I am grateful that I have a comfortable home with heat and plumbing. I am grateful that I have a family and friends. I am also grateful that I have the opportunity to serve others through my work with Awaken Pittsburgh. Then we will move into the season of giving — breathing out.

Noticing all that I have makes me feel into the abundance in my life and inspires my generosity. What do you want to give this year? I want to give the gift of personal peace and healing to those who need it most.

Due to social distancing, we all may be starting new holiday traditions for ourselves. Here are some ideas that may help us share our abundance and move from gratitude to generosity:

  • Share the gift of mindfulness by supporting the work of Awaken Pittsburgh and unlock a $5,000 matching gift –by giving on or before December 1. Donate here.
  • Give yourself the gift of understanding: Thanksgiving is also Indigenous People’s Day. Learn a bit about that history here.
  • Support Native Peoples with your gift giving by going here.

Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, December 1st, 2020 and help us make those connections by donating here. You can also donate now if you can’t wait until then.

With gratitude,

Stephanie Romero, Ed.D.
Founder & Executive Director
Awaken Pittsburgh


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